Micro Pigs - FAQ's

What is a Micro pig?
Definition provided by Defra The UK Government Department responsible for policy and regulations on the environment, food, and rural affairs - Defra define 'Micro Pigs' as "...pigs that have been developed through selective breeding to create a pig that is smaller than those produced for commercial pig keeping". (http://www.defra.gov.uk/animalhealth/documents/Pig-A&G-20101210.pdf)
We are in agreement of this and believe this is how you should consider a Micro Pig rather than something that is going to stay the same size as a piglet forever.

How tall do Micro pigs grow?
A Micro pig bred by us will grow between the top of your shin/welly and knee height (resembling a spaniel in overall size) - there is currently nothing smaller than this. Despite doing our research and knowing we have access to some of the very best sized Micro's there are, we are not able to make exact predictions of size in terms of inches (this would be impossible) we will however happily use the parents as an indicator for eventual size and the description 'around knee height'.
Please do not be swayed by images of piglets and the perception people might have of the references used for these pigs i.e. 'Micro'', 'Tea Cup' and the belief that they don't grow bigger than piglets.  They do as illustrated by the Governments statement above.
We would always encourage you to come and take a look at the adults we have and our general setup prior to considering a pet pig; even if you would like us to arrange delivery at a later date for you.

Do Tea Cup / Micro Mini / Pint Size Pigs exist?
Tea Cup / Micro Mini / Pint Size pigs are in fact Micro Pigs however these are other names that have been used to describe and publicise these miniature pigs.

How old do micro pigs live for?
A healthy and happy Micro Pig can live between 10 - 15 years similar to a dog.

When are they fully grown?
The majority of their adult size is achieved between 9-12 months.

What is a CPH Number and why do I need it?
This is a County Parish Holding Number; it is a nine-digit code which identifies the premises or land where your pigs will eventually be kept - required in case of a disease outbreak.

How do I obtain a CPH Number?
To apply for a CPH number you will need to contact the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) on 0845 6037777 or if residing in Wales & Scotland contact the Animal Health Department at your local County Council.  This can take a few weeks to process so it's best to do it straight away; and there is currently no cost for this.

Can I feed my pig my dinner scraps?
It is illegal to feed your pig with waste food and scraps from your own kitchen (as contaminated waste foods can spread viruses and bacteria to livestock) as is the feeding of other materials of animal origin, or products containing them to farmed animals.  The first case of the 2001 foot and mouth disease outbreak was found at a farm where unprocessed waste food was being fed to pigs.

How are Micro Pigs with children and other animals?
They are great with both, pigs are adorable pets and so charming making them an ideal addition to any family environment.

Are they clean?
Yes they are - if provided with regular access to outside space they will always choose to toilet outside and keep their sleeping area very clean.

Bedding Requirements?
Plenty of fresh clean barley straw - avoid hay as it can contain mites.

Preparing for my Micro Pig?
Its really important that you make its home pig proof!  They are very inquisitive and highly intelligent little animals so things to consider are, are there any potential hazards or dangers?  for example an uncovered pond? - holes or weaknesses in the outside pen? access to potentially dangerous chemicals? sharp objects or broken glass etc?

What will I need to bring when collecting my pig?
We suggest a medium sized dog cage or a large secure box - with either some fresh straw or blankets.  You will also need your CPH number for the movement form.

What to expect?
They start off a little skittish and nervous (similar to a rabbit), however after a couple of days of settling into their new environment and with time spent handling them; will actually look to seek out the attention and fuss you will want to give them.

Anything else I need to know?
We will give you all the help and information you will need to get you started and are always on hand to speak to.  All we ask is that you spoil your piglet rotten and give him or her the very best of forever homes!